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Finance for 2012

27 Dec

So! For 2012 our resolution will be to bring on some finance articles, I’m by no means an advisor of ANY sort, just a mom trying to find her way in household/financial management. SO I will aim to start publishing at least 1 financial articles a month (on top of everything else we randomly talk about on here) so that we can get the ball rolling in the right direction for us all!

Maybe this year thanks to these finance articles we will also prepare our Christmas budget well in advance of Christmas and avoid the rush of buying unplanned gifts during the holidays! So an aim for a peaceful holiday! 🙂

I hope this article finds everyone in great spirits after their Christmas season and we look forward to the New Year and bringing it in with a bang!

Family Journal – Mine (pic heavy!)

22 Nov

*edit* Here is a description of the family planner/journal: It’s basically a family planner – you have each calender month to record important family dates or things a child may have done and then a monthly summary. After the monthly summary you have ‘daily highlights’ which basically takes the place of your ‘individual’ days that you’d have in a planner.

Everything is undated for you to add it in yourself which I think is great because then you can use over the template year after year!

Then to the back you have a cute Kids Say the Funniest Things section as well as Notes section. (I do know of people who keep a little book separate for the funny things kids say, I think this planner is great because it incorporated everything!)

Family Journal – Mine

22 Nov

*edit* Here is a description of the family planner/journal: It’s basically a family planner – you have each calender month to record important family dates or things a child may have done and then a monthly summary. After the monthly summary you have ‘daily highlights’ which basically takes the place of your ‘individual’ days that you’d have in a planner.

Everything is undated for you to add it in yourself which I think is great because then you can use over the template year after year!

Then to the back you have a cute Kids Say the Funniest Things section as well as Notes section. (I do know of people who keep a little book separate for the funny things kids say, I think this planner is great because it incorporated everything!)

So glad I found BOTH the Nap Time Journal and K Mc Kay Designs! So I got inspired and I just did it! I used to use the planner as I described before but this is basically a finished and cute scrapbook! I wonder now if I’ll miss having specific ‘days’ to write but I’m guessing the ‘Daily Highlights’ will end up filling that void! I made this entire book out of scrapbook paper I had as well as the print outs from KMcKay.

So this is basically what is looks like! The cover and then we go into January and it’s month by month, all tabbed and extremely easy to go through and just SO cute!! Nap Time Journal uses a regular book I’m not exactly sure which one as the link is broken, but seems like a blank sketchbook type book so can probably get on in Deltex? And she sticks all of the pages directly onto it, what’s nice about that is that it’s already pre-made and it’s probably less work than I did, and also more sturdy as those pages will be thicker than just a sheet of computer paper. It of course still looks gorgeous and is functional!

I basically cut the scrapbook paper for the Months, as well as the Calendar page and Summary page. So that’s 3 pieces of the scrapbook paper. Versus Nap Time Journal used just a pretty paper on the Month page. Maybe I’ll note that and take it into account after using it next year! Now I can’t WAIT for January to come for me to start using it! 🙂

It basically goes: Cover, Month, Calendar, Summary, Daily Highlights – after all 12 months you have a ‘Kid’s Say The Funniest Things’ and a ‘Notes’ section. Once you print that PDF from K McKay you have EVERYTHING you need to do it the scrapbook paper is just a way of dressing it up a bit. I binded it by punching holes and tying with cotton twill (same cotton twill from my mail organizer! reuse and repurpose! 🙂

Maybe if some of you are interested I can do a costing and make some for you to purchase! 🙂